Dem unbedarften Heimwerker drängt sich hier die Vermutung auf, dass eine Dachsanierung kinderleicht ist…
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Then you’ve just found what you’re looking for: because only people with specialist knowledge will be on your roof – the
Blang & Lauterbach team. It doesn’t matter whether it’s brick or slate: we only use high-quality, durable material for your roof.
If you would like to know more about us, just give us a call on +352 267 406 25. We would be happy to make you a free offer.
Then you’ve just found what you’re looking for: because only people with specialist knowledge will be on your roof – the
Blang & Lauterbach team. It doesn’t matter whether it’s brick or slate: we only use high-quality, durable material for your roof.
If you would like to know more about us, just give us a call on +352 267 406 25. We would be happy to make you a free offer.
Then you’ve just found what you’re looking for: because only people with specialist knowledge will be on your roof – the
Blang & Lauterbach team. It doesn’t matter whether it’s brick or slate: we only use high-quality, durable material for your roof.
If you would like to know more about us, just give us a call on +352 267 406 25. We would be happy to make you a free offer.
Nowadays, we know a variety of materials for pitched roofs that are well suited for roofing and have proven themselves in the meantime.
Tiles are of particular importance – also from a historical point of view. After the war, in line with the general trend, the widespread belief in plastics in architecture also took a heavy toll on the clay roof tile. It is very pleasing that since the 1990s we have seen a noticeable return to materials made with natural raw materials for roofing.
The traditional roof tile, for example, has gained ground again over the long-popular concrete roof tile – and the trend is rising. Especially in private residential construction, the roof tile is on the rise again and plays an increasingly important role as a very popular roofing material.
Slate is the classic natural roofing material for quality roofs. In Central Europe, the highest demands are placed on slate.
This applies not only to the material quality of approx. 4 to 6 mm gap thickness, but also to the choice of formats and types of roofing. Slate is characterised by its very long durability – one speaks of “at least one generation” – and by a particularly tasteful appearance and aesthetics.
We prefer the elegant and technically sophisticated type of roofing called “Altdeutsche Deckung”. It is referred to as the “queen of cover types”. A slate roof with an old German covering is artistically shaped in the details and is one of the top achievements of the roofing trade. Characteristically, the smallest tiles are used at the ridge and the largest at the eaves – where the water accumulation is greatest. This makes the roof look even more beautiful and higher.
VELUX brings light to life.
VELUX is a global company founded on the vision of daylight, fresh air and quality of life – 3 features that perfect life in millions of homes and apartments around the world.
Today, more than 70 years after the first VELUX skylight was installed in a Danish school, the VELUX vision has evolved – but the values remain the same. As the world’s largest manufacturer of roof windows, VELUX today stands for light, air and views in the attic, creating a better living environment and a better quality of life under the roof.
Metal is very light, which makes it ideal for renovating old roofs.
Metal tiles are quick and easy to install, and the light weight of metal roof tiles makes it easier for the roofer or carpenter to work on the roof. Metal roofs also require little maintenance and are therefore particularly low-maintenance and durable.
The zinc roof is particularly environmentally friendly, because little energy is required for its production and little CO2 is emitted during its manufacture.
At Blang & Lauterbach, our master roofers put all their know-how at your disposal.
The roof truss forms the basis of every roof. It is the substructure for the later roof construction.
A house has a roof truss that supports the rafters, which in turn support the roof covering made of tiles or other roofing materials.
The wooden struts and beams provide a stable roof construction.
Roof sealing with alwitra roofing membranes and final decking from a single source.
We can implement even the most demanding and complex timber structures for you, taking into account all architectural, climatic and functional requirements and finding individual solutions. Whether you simply need a repair to your wooden structure or are planning a major project such as the construction of huge stables – simply contact us and we will tailor an offer specifically adapted to your available budget.
With regular roof maintenance, you can avoid damage to your roof.
Homeowners are obliged to ensure safety around their roof. With regular roof maintenance, you protect yourself, your home and passers-by from damage.
The lifespan of a roof depends directly on its material.
It is estimated that a zinc roof can last between 80 and 110 years. The lifespan of a slate roof is also estimated to be between 80 and 110 years. In general, the lifespan of a roof made of tiles is between 30 and 70 years. Most other roof coverings have a lifespan of between 20 and 50 years.